Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Running isn't a sport?

I'm not sure if my boss was trying to get under my skin or if this is truly how he feels, or both.  Last week, he told me that running isn't a sport for a couple of reasons: 1. Other sports involve running.  2. It's just exercising. 
Sure.  And it's great exercise!
Honestly, I'm not at all bothered by it, but I've looked online and saw that quite a few people are.
So my thoughts? Who gives a shit? Go run!
What effect does their opinion have on anything?  Your performance won't suffer.  You're still going to train.  You still love it.  ...and has it convinced you that it's not a sport?

The things I've learned since my start in this sport have been amazing.  I could have a rough day at work, tough talk with my friends, deal with a rude customer (I work in retail), but my run has a great way of letting me work through those things.  Where I might lash out and say things I don't mean (or say things that I mean, but don't want to see the consequences to), my run can silence the noise and make me know that at least this one thing is right.  You can't change others, but you can change the way you let how others affect you.  Running gives you the time to figure that out.

Now go put on your shoes and do some exercising you athlete!

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